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Transcendence Tree: A Manifesto for Humankind

By Transcendence Tree August 4, 2017 The human race, which is racing toward its destruction, has to hear more about the possibilities available with trees and others available for assistance. They will need all the help they can get in the coming years. There will be...

Of Trees and Hurricanes

Originally posted on November 4, 2012, referring to Hurricane Sandy which devastated parts of New York. Last week I introduced you to my experiences with a group of trees, and had hoped to ease into sharing more about how our collaboration has evolved. But because so...

The Other Side of the Veil

Posted originally on February 23, 2014 When I wrote about “last timers” two weeks ago, most of the responses had to do not directly with the subject matter, but with the experiences people have had with those who’ve died. So I thought I’d chime in with some of my own...

The Sound of the Planet

When I was interviewed me about the Thriving Planet World Tour I’m about to begin, I mentioned that one of the layers to the work we would be doing in the workshops with people and trees has to do with carrying out a higher purpose — in part with transforming the...

Something Good, Spreading Fast

Something Good, Spreading Fast Posted on February 17, 2013 By Elisa Novick Today is the first day of my retreat in a little cabin in the woods. The trees here are serving the planet and humanity in ways that humble me. (Those of you following me on Facebook might have...

What is the difference between group prayer and Godwork?

In the Godwork we not only place out our love and intention, as is so beautifully done in prayer, but we also add some important aspects that make it potent. First and always we ask for only that which is the for the highest good to take place, so we are not placing...

An Oak Tree Changes My Life

Eleven years ago I walked down a forest path and was met by a wave of love like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was emanating from a magnificent and noble oak tree. I asked inwardly whether this was a teacher for me and was told that this was a partner with...

The Maple: before the hurricane, August 2011

As we are about to have a hurricane come through here on the East Coast of the United States, I thought you might like to hear this talk I had with the Maple in my forest before the big hurricane in 2011. It was remarkable to me in that she indicated that the trees...