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The Godwork Journals


The intention of this Journal has been to collect our various and wondrous views of the Godwork we have done over the years and are continuing to do, and to create an ongoing forum, so that this can be a place where all of us can come to tune in again and share our Selves. No one is alone, all are loved, and in this we remember who we are and why we are here.


All of this began in 1994 when we began using “spacework” (now called Laboratory of Life) to create new patterns or spiritual creations as guided by Spirit. Our first meeting was at the Center of the Light, where we created a Soul Gate. Then in 1996, Miriam and I learned that we had been holding meetings for the last 15,000 years to form new creations for the planet according to the guidance we were receiving and that it was time to hold the next Meeting, which we did in 1997 and which was one of the most amazing experiences any of us had ever had. At the time, we got (meaning we received spiritual guidance) that we could do another Meeting in 10 years, which we did in Mexico in 2007. But during that 10 years and since, we have been doing what we’ve called “Godwork” in many shorter meetings and many of my classes and now I have gotten that we can hold as many as we want. Whenever we do, there is a sense that this is what we are here to do, that there is nothing more important, that we trust the process, even when we do not have explicit information about what we have accomplished, and that when each piece is complete the sense of illumination and deep satisfaction is profound.

My Part

Although I have facilitated most of the work we’ve done, I do not own it, I only serve it. And I am in awe at what each and every person has brought to it. Working with others whose integrity and level of ability I trust, is my greatest pleasure, and I am always looking for and assisting those who can do this kind of work to become clear and ready, fully spiritually able and functioning at their highest level so that we always have new people joining us. I love training and nurturing “world healers” or Lightworkers, or whatever we want to call us, but I mostly hold the space for all of us to come forth (including myself) and continually try to fine-tune our awareness as move into higher and higher levels of cooperation with Spirit. And we are now working not only with people, but with certain trees and places as well. To be clear, this is my work and how I earn a living, so I do like to get paid for my time, such as private sessions and classes, though I have not so far, charged for our larger Meetings or other service projects and volunteering I do (including getting this blog going), except, very rarely, getting my expenses paid for. For this, donations are always welcome, so I can continue to focus on making all of this happen. I also welcome referrals for new clients/students and ministerial functions.

My Dreams

I just want to continue doing the work. I also have two ideas that have moved through my consciousness:

  • Thriving People, Thriving Planet Foundation
    A foundation to support Lightworkers in doing the work
    around the world without having to be concerned with
    financial survival.
  • Community:
    A co-housing community with an Institute for A Thriving
    which would act as a physical home base and/or
    retreat or retirement place for us and a  beacon of Light
    for the planet. This would be a place where the work
    would be strengthened by anchoring it into a specific
    piece of land and trees. It could be a University and a
    communication station of truly higher education.