Posted on February 17, 2013
By Elisa Novick
Today is the first day of my retreat in a little cabin in the woods. The trees here are serving the planet and humanity in ways that humble me. (Those of you following me on Facebook might have seen the photos and stories from when I was here last summer.)
I’m bundled up on the porch typing into my iPhone. Though I haven’t yet gone out to visit the tree and boulder friends I met last summer, I can feel their welcome. Which makes me think about what’s going on in the world.
When I studied in the Healers’ Training at the Center of the Light in the early 1980s, we were taught about the importance of water in the body. We learned that each of us needs three to four quarts per day to replace lost fluids, heal, cleanse, and optimize the functioning of the physical body.
Not only that, but we “burn” up more water when we are doing healing work and need it to keep from taking on unserving energies. It is almost impossible to be happy, healthy, and psychically protected without sufficient water in the system.
So we all began lugging around our jugs of water. You could always tell a Center of the Light student by the jug of water by her or his side.
Nowadays almost everyone I know carries a bottle of water with them. How did that happen?
We also learned 21 cleanses for the liver and gall bladder and a few for dissolving kidney stones. No one in my world had ever talked about the fact that you could dissolve gall stones or kidney stones and flush them out. Now you can find scores of gall bladder and kidney flushes on the web. There are excellent books, trainings, and group cleansing processes being conducted, not just in person but also guided over the web.
I often wonder about how that information spread so fast. I presume the Center of the Light was not the only place teaching these things, but we were not aware of it at the time. There was no World Wide Web. And some of what we were learning was channeled by one of our teachers who had never published her work.
The concepts of holistic healing and consciousness growth and spiritual development have also taken off in unprecendented ways around the globe.
In my classes we learn to attune subtle awareness for healing and personal mastery, the spiritual growth process and for service to the whole. We become aware of the energy fields we create and what happens when two or more fields come into relationship, and about forming new exquisite, coherent patterns of healing and thriving for ourselves and the planet. This work may still be highly advanced for many, and too far out for most, yet everywhere I go, the people who participate get what it is.
Not only that, but I find that, for the most part, the people showing up for the work are beginning at a higher level than those that came in 20 years ago. I can start beginners at levels I used to consider advanced.
So something is happening, something wondrous. When I see all of the horrendous, destructive actions being perpetrated on this planet, I am also reminded that there is another movement taking place. The mysterious ways in which a higher consciousness is seeding itself around the planet is having an effect. And I honor all those in human or non-human body and in spirit who have initiated and dispersed that movement.
I do not know how much I will see of how this will flower in this lifetime. Yet as I sit here, surrounded by trees so happy that I am here, so expectant, as if they are straining at the bit for me to get started with the next round of sharing and loving communion, I have a profound feeling that all is, indeed, alright.
To listen to and read past conversations with Elisa Novick on Planet Waves, plus her articles, please use this link. You’re invited to visit her website and Facebook page.
Elisa Novick, MSS does profound work as a healer, teacher, counselor, coach, minister, and facilitator of workshops and trainings in personal, professional, and spiritual development. She can assist you to clear personal, karmic and genetic patterns that have limited you and teach you exquisite attunement skills so you can become the magnificent master of life and Light that all of us are destined to be. Elisa has been assisting people in their growth since 1982 through her counseling practice and in facilitating over 1,000 workshops in holistic health, human development, family constellation, systemic constellation, organizational dynamics, planetary healing and spiritual awareness. You may email her directly at elisanovick [at] thrivingplanet [dot] org.
7 Responses to Something Good, Spreading Fast
Viviane says:
February 26, 2013 at 8:19 am
When I was 17 years old, I was dancing at a disco and I got a vision. I felt so happy that I got up on a little stage and I proceeded to tell everyone that the world would* change and that our generation would do this but no one would even notice because it would be done quietly by many people, all at once. I felt certain this would come to pass. And it has. back then even talking about astrology qualified as being an idiot and to be dismissed.
The turning point happened a few years back, between 2005 and 2009. We almost didn’t make it but we did. It is done now but it will probably take about a couple hundred years to solidify. Have fun weaving.
Elisa Novick says:
February 19, 2013 at 4:14 pm
I feel all of your comments as a blessing too. My own words got me to wondering how much of what we’ve done in the Godwork Meetings since 1997 and other work I’ve facilitated in endless workshops and sessions has helped this happen. Maybe that’s the jug of water I’ve contributed to the world. I’ve always cringed a bit hearing about a Shift; we all want to think our generation is the special one. But you know, I think there is more happening than I know, we know, we will ever know. I just keep moving, creating this Thriving Planet World Tour to offer more opportunities for more people to step into who they truly are as co-creators with God and Universe and to Light up the planet, my mind not knowing for sure that it makes a difference or is even necessary, yet inside of me, the part that knows, quite sure. And I also know that you are all part of that and for that I am grateful.
Fe Bongolan says:
February 18, 2013 at 7:11 pm
I so look forward to your posts, Elisa, and have found myself edging slowly and purposely towards the soft way you describe. It is helping me heal my body and clear my mind. So glad to find you here in our PW space!
Judith Gayle says:
February 18, 2013 at 12:08 pm
An echo of confirmation — God/dess, water and earth, community, Shift … heart expanding stuff:
beleclaire says:
February 18, 2013 at 8:25 am
I add my thanks too Elisa. It is comforting to know that you see these changes, this evolution of humanity and your post gives me a strong sense of hope.Thank you
Lizzy says:
February 18, 2013 at 1:54 am
I second Jude’s lovely comment. Thank you, dear Elisa.
Judith Gayle says:
February 17, 2013 at 11:37 pm
Something of a benediction, isn’t it! Such a blessing to glimpse that Knowing, softening the edges of … everything. Thanks for sharing that with us today. And please give my regards to your friends in the days ahead. I was raised in the redwoods, where I first met the faeries. I was befriended by the eucalyptus, who sang me to sleep. I envy your retreat … and your company. Blessed be.