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Perth, Australia, May 8–17, 2015

Fremantle and Perth, Australia, May 15–17, 2015, three workshops

Note: see workshop descriptions below.

Friday, May 15, 7:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Introduction to The Institute for a Thriving Planet and the Laboratory of Life

Location:    Eartheart, 3 Henry Street, Fremantle. Map.
Five-minute walk from Fremantle bus and train stations.
Parking free at E Shed Markets, metered on local streets

Cost:  AU$20 / US$16

Saturday, May 16, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Combination Workshop:

Laboratory of Life: Holographic Multidimensional Awareness For Relationship, Attunement and Co-Creation


Planet Healing, Planet Thriving: A Call to All to Restore Balance and Health to Our Beautiful Planet

Location:   Eartheart, 3 Henry Street, Fremantle (see map and parking information above).
(We will have space for snacks and you can bring your lunch or we can go out.)

Cost:  AU$175, if paid by May 8, $200 after May 8. (US$135/$150)

Sunday, May 17, 12:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.

Tree Love: Heart of the Forest

Location: Kings Park, Perth (contact us for the location to meet and bring a picnic snack and whatever you might want to sit on or wear for the weather.

Cost:  AU$90 / US$75

Workshop bundle: attend all of the above for AU$260 early bird (by May 8) or AU$275 thereafter (a discount of AU$25).

 More information:  contact Elisa.

Elisa at Tree Love: Heart of the Forest

Local contact:

Kriti Gopi
Cell phone #:  0432090138

To register:

  • Send Elisa an e-mail with your contact information; name, e-mail, cell phone number or home phone if no cell phone.
  • Send payment for the workshop here (click on the Donate button for the Thriving Planet World Tour) to use PayPal or a credit card. Last minute registrations can be paid at the door, but advance registrations would be greatly appreciated!.
  • Contact Kriti Gopi (see information above) to let her know you are coming and with any questions.

Dear friends in Australia,

I’ve been traveling on the Thriving Planet World Tour, calling together those who desire to heal, to grow in mastery, to partner with other people and trees and those working with us and through us in Spirit in service. I travel in the belief and with the experience that small groups of people can, in alignment with our highest guidance, co-create new exquisite energetic seed-forms that can inform and precipitate a higher-vibrational state of healing and thriving for our beauteous planet. It is a profound and enjoyable experience to come together in this way.

Tree Love: Heart of the Forest, Byron Bay Morton Bay Fig

I have now taken the World Tour to twelve countries in the last two years and this is my second time in Australia, which I know has many people who desire to heal and grow. Many are already accomplished healers and world-healers. The workshops of the Thriving Planet World Tour provide an elegant and powerful space for us to come together, addressing our inner work, our relations, nature, our world, and the spiritual dimensions.

The method that is the basis for most of the workshops, which I call the Laboratory of Life, is not difficult to learn, though one can refine its use for a lifetime. In 30+ years as a healer, I have not found anything else that addresses the full continuum of life from the microcosmic to the macrocosmic, from the deeply personal to global awareness, so beautifully and with such precision and practicality.

We will be holding an introductory evening and day-long workshop in Fremantle at Eartheart, and then a Tree Love workshop in Kings Park in Perth, Australia. Though you can attend each one as a unique event, I hope you will consider attending all three, in order to go deeply into the process and give and receive all you can.

My deep gratitude goes to Kriti Gopi for inviting me to Perth and to Alexis Ee-Khem Aw and Mary Ann Rath for their kind support.

Introduction to The Institute for a Thriving Planet and the Laboratory of Life


Laboratory of Life, France

Join us for an intimate evening with Elisa Novick, MSS, who has taken her work as the Institute for a Thriving Planet on world tour to foster healing and thriving for people, trees and our beautiful planet.

She will tell of the work she has been doing for 12 years with a group of Master Trees who have been her companions and partners and share their stories and mission for saving the earth. When we commune with nature we experience something that meets our hearts and opens up another world, as we deeply know ourselves as co-creators in the life of the planet.

You will have an opportunity to experience a taste of the work of the Laboratory of Life, the basis for many of the Institute for a Thriving Planet workshops. If you have wished or prayed to be able to serve in a greater way, creating the world we want starts with us.

Laboratory of Life:
Holographic Multidimensional Awareness For Relationship, Attunement and Co-Creation

We exist within a complex multidimensional web of relationship that transcends all time and space. As we heal ancient limiting patterns, we become able to tap into greater levels of freedom and capability and can take part in the magnificent creation that is this universe. We dance with mastery through the continuum from individuation to conscious connection to cosmic awareness.

Gaunts House Lab of Life

Laboratory of Life, United Kingdom

This Laboratory of Life process gives you ample opportunity to learn deeply about yourself and the underlying energetic patterns that inform all of reality, so that we can create a world in which all can thrive; where action proceeds from integrity, deep inner knowing and our innate goodness and joy.

We use the configuration of people through the space of a room or other environment to create a dynamic map of relationship that includes the seen and unseen realms. Consciousness is holographic, and can be perceived by intentional movement in relationship to people and other beings in our environment. When group consciousness is aligned with sincere intention in a harmonious frequency or chord of frequencies, we can heal and function spiritually in ways we rarely achieve by ourselves.If there is such as a thing as a New Age, it is an evolutionary stage in which each of us can be our unique magnificent self while joining in spiritual communion with others for healing, joy, and service with all of Creation.

In this Laboratory of Life workshop, you will have an opportunity to participate in an amazing and enjoyable experiential process of becoming all we were meant to be. This work is highly personal and accessible as well as spiritually uplifting, without limits in its application. It is powerful, exciting and profound!

Note: It is recommended but not required, to participate in this workshop if you intend to attend Tree Love: Heart of the Forest.

Planet Healing, Planet Thriving:
A Call to All to Restore Balance and Health to Our Beautiful Planet

If you have wished or prayed to be able to serve in a greater way, the world we want starts with us. We have within us the ability to call forth the original, pristine perfect balance and resilience that life has created over millions of years. And together we can co-create new, coherent, exquisite patterns of healing and thriving to act as new blueprints for a future trajectory for us and our planet. We come together in trust that these new patterns become the seed-forms, the new paradigms, the organizing principles — available to all and for the highest good of all.


Thriving Planet, United States

We will create these patterns by forming them within ourselves, within our groups, and within the living matrix of the world. In a powerful constellational process (the Laboratory of Life), we will use our deep attunement, inner knowing of truth, and loving intention to bring healing and thriving into our lives and into the world. We broadcast clear, pure signals. We become full universal citizens, capable of transmuting and transforming the current underlying energetic patterns to ones that support and energize life abundant.

In this workshop, we will welcome the trees and other beings we have been attuning to and communing with in our time together at the Congress in an all-beings colla

Tree Love: Heart of the Forest


Tree Love, Omega Institute, United States

Twelve years ago I walked down a forest path and was met by a wave of love like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was emanating from a magnificent and noble oak tree. I asked inwardly whether this was a teacher for me and was told that this was a partner with whom I could work anywhere in the galaxy! (I am a healer who works with people, individually and in groups, toward personal, relational, and planetary healing.) Since that time I have had the most astounding experiences in that forest and other places with master trees. In response, these trees have now put out a call to others to save the planet and they welcome our partnership. Over 4.5 million trees have “signed on.”

Utilizing the subtle attunement we’ve cultivated in the Laboratory of Life with the trees (which will be reviewed for those who couldn’t attend the previous days), we begin to know ourselves as partners and co-creators in the life of the planet. Attunement is the next language of communication, with people, animals, plants, and planets. This process enables you to heighten your perception and inner knowing. Once you’ve experienced a loving connection with a tree, there are friends everywhere. The unconditional love and spiritual gifts the trees bestow will change your life forever. The trees hold keys for the survival and replenishing of life — and love — on Earth. I will be sharing some of the methods I use to attune to the trees and to partner with them in planetary service.

Note: It is highly recommended to attend Laboratory of Life and Thriving Planet in preparation for Tree Love: Heart of the Forest, but not a requirement.

Elisa Novick, MSS does profound work as a healer, teacher, counselor, coach, minister, and facilitator of workshops and trainings in personal, professional, and spiritual development. She assists those who desire to clear personal, karmic and genetic limiting patterns and teaches exquisite attunement skills so they can become the magnificent masters of life and Light that all of us are destined to be. Elisa has been assisting people in their growth since 1982 through her counseling practice and in facilitating over 1,500 workshops in holistic health, human development, family constellation, systemic constellation, organizational dynamics, planetary healing, and spiritual awareness.


Laboratory of Life, Berkshire Hills

She counsels and coaches individuals and works with couples, families, organizations and communities. As an ordained non-denominational minister, Elisa performs ceremonies for many of life’s celebrations and lovingly serves those in life transition. One of her most joyful ministries is as a volunteer with the Growing Together program at Bay State Correctional Center, participating in Family Constellation therapy and offering work from the Laboratory of Life and Living From the Soul for this group of men, most of whom are serving life sentences.


Godwork Meeting, Tulum, Mexico

For the past two years, Elisa has been traveling the world on the Thriving Planet World Tour (12 countries to date), facilitating workshops designed to bring people into their inner knowing and mastery and to come together in service to create exquisite coherent patterns of healing and thriving for people and our beautiful planet. She is currently writing a book about the life-transforming experiences she and others have had communicating and partnering with trees and other sentient lifeforms. It is her great desire to cherish and nurture our trees, who hold the keys to restoring life on Earth.