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Fairy and Human Relations Congress: three workshops


I have been invited to present three workshops at the Fairy and Human Relations Congress. The first two will be part of the Congress weekend and the third will be a special offering, with a separate fee, taking place the next day (Monday) after the main event is complete for people who want to delve further. It should be a lot of fun, playing with the fairies!

The Fairy & Human Relations Congress is an annual event held in the Methow Valley in Washington State. About 300 people attend.

Congress: Friday, June 28 – Sunday, June 30 (See scheduled times for each workshop below). Early-bird price if you register before March 21.

Post-congress workshop: Monday, July 1 with Elisa (extra fee: $65)

To register: register for the Congress on their site.

Holographic Multidimensional Awareness For Relationship, Attunement and Co-Creation

Friday, June 28, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.

We exist within a complex multidimensional web of relationship that transcends all time and space. As we heal ancient limiting patterns, we become able to tap into greater levels of freedom and capability and can take part in the magnificent creation that is this universe. We dance with mastery through the continuum from individuation to conscious connection to cosmic awareness.

This Laboratory of Life process gives you ample opportunity to learn deeply about yourself and the underlying energetic patterns that inform all of reality, so that we can create a world in which all can thrive; where action proceeds from integrity, deep inner knowing and our innate goodness and joy.

We use the configuration of people through the space of a room or other environment to create a dynamic map of relationship that includes the seen and unseen realms. Consciousness is holographic, and can be perceived by intentional movement in relationship to people and other beings in our environment. When group consciousness is aligned with sincere intention in a harmonious frequency or chord of frequencies, we can heal and function spiritually in ways we rarely achieve by ourselves.If there is such as a thing as a New Age, it is an evolutionary stage in which each of us can be our unique magnificent self while joining in spiritual communion with others for healing, joy, and service with all of Creation.

In this Laboratory of Life workshop, you will have an opportunity to participate in an amazing and enjoyable experiential process of becoming all we were meant to be. This work is highly personal and accessible as well as spiritually uplifting, without limits in its application. It is powerful, exciting and profound!

Note: It is highly recommended to participate in this workshop if you intend to attend Tree Love: Heart of the Forest.

Tree Love: Heart of the Forest

Saturday, June 29, 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.

Eleven years ago I walked down a forest path and was met by a wave of love like nothing I’d ever felt before. It was emanating from a magnificent and noble oak tree. I asked inwardly whether this was a teacher for me and was told that this was a partner with whom I could work anywhere in the galaxy! (I am a healer who works with people, individually and in groups, toward personal, relational, and planetary healing.) Since that time I have had the most astounding experiences in that forest and other places with master trees. In response, these trees have now put out a call to others to save the planet and they welcome our partnership. I will be sharing some of the methods I use to attune to the trees and to partner with them in planetary service.

Pre-requisite: It is highly recommended to participate in Holographic Multidimensional Awareness For Relationship, Attunement and Co-Creation but not an absolute requirement.

Planet Healing, Planet Thriving:
A Call to All to Restore Balance and Health to Our Beautiful Planet

Monday, July 1, 9:00 a.m – 1:00 p.m. (post-Congress workshop)

Cost: $65   Pre-registration is required. check the registration page.

If you have wished or prayed to be able to serve in a greater way, the world we want starts with us. We have within us the ability to call forth the original, pristine perfect balance and resilience that life has created over millions of years. And together we can co-create coherent, exquisite patterns of healing and thriving to act as new blueprints for a future trajectory for us and our planet. We come together in trust that these new patterns become the seed-forms, the new paradigms, the organizing principles — available to all and for the highest good of all.

We will create these patterns by forming them within ourselves, within our groups, and within the living matrix of the world. In a powerful constellational process (the Laboratory of Life), we will use our deep attunement, inner knowing of truth, and loving intention to bring healing and thriving into our lives and into the world. We broadcast clear, pure signals. We become full universal citizens, capable of transmuting and transforming the current underlying energetic patterns to ones that support and energize life abundant.

In this workshop, we will welcome the trees and other beings we have been attuning to and communing with in our time together at the Congress in an all-beings collaboration in the Light.


Elisa Novick, MSS does profound work as a healer and facilitator of workshops in personal healing and spiritual expansion. She loves nurturing each person’s maturation as a sovereign, human-spiritual-cosmic being with clear inner guidance and attunement, capable of forming loving relationships and of coming into oneness with others for service at the highest level for the highest good. Since 1997, Elisa has facilitated the Godwork Meetings devoted to creating new exquisite coherent patterns of healing and thriving for the planet.

Her current projects include a book describing the wondrous experiences she has with a group of Trees that she has communed with for eleven years and creating a Thriving Planet Foundation to fund and train world healers.