For over 25 years I’ve been writing letters to God et al, meaning God and whoever answers for God, those working with me in Spirit at the highest level. To these letters I’ve received answers, some so loving that my depressions and dilemmas have been, often seemingly quite miraculously, transformed. This has been not only a way to heal myself when I’ve been troubled but also a way to learn about the universe. When I read through this [heretofore] private correspondence I often think, there is valuable information here, this is good stuff, this is beautifully said! (And some of it is way beyond my ability to grasp, too.) I feel the frisson of excitement, a thrill of connection, my energy changing, my spirit uplifting. I think, why hide this? Why not share it with the world? The taboo of talking about these things, the fear of being branded a kook, of being sneered at, that has limited me in the past, really doesn’t matter to me anymore. Maybe it is a function of being in my sixties; I just want to get it all out there before I leave this plane, in case it helps anyone. So why not? Take what you need and leave the rest…